Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Lil Ruby xxx

Hello everyone, just a little post for me tonight!
Had to share with you another of my new stamps I got! My lovely hubby got me lovely lil Ruby, so cute in her little tunic and boots!!

Thanks for looking, sorry its just a wee post without the details but my eye playing up today!! Take care lovelies and thanks for looking!!


  1. What a cute image Melly! Love her little boots. Been a bad blogger recently and not popped by for a wee while! Hoping to have more time this week....famous last words probably lol!

    Kat x

  2. Hi there Melly sorry to hear your eye still no better (((huggies)))
    awww what a cutie stamp and love the layout of your card take care huggies lindyloo x

  3. Hi Melly

    Sorry to hear that your eye is still playing up.
    Great card hun and such a cute image.

    Hugs Ali x

  4. Lovely Melly, great image. Thanks for joining us at I ♥ ProMarkers.

  5. so lovely
    Thanks for joining us this week at Charisma

  6. Very cute! Thanks for playing PCC!

  7. Hi Melly,
    I'm catching up now I have my internet back...Thank you for all your lovely comments...A beautiful card,love the image and how lucky were you to get this...sorry to hear you have a bad eye hope it gets better real quick...
    Mandy xx

  8. Hey Melly, congrats on winning the Charisma Cardz challenge! Have fun with your prize. susie x

  9. Fab card Melly, she's a real cutie (what a good hubby!)
    Take it easy with the crafting and pc in case its aggravating your eye

  10. Hi Melly, This is really cute. Amy's WSs are all my favorites. They are just happy and make me smile. What a sweet hubby you have. Hugs, Lisa G


Hugs and kisses for you all, thanks for the comment xxx