Monday, 25 April 2016

Accordion Cards xx

Morning lovelies

Hope you had a great weekend, we sure did!!

We picked up our spanking brand new caravan on Thursday and then threw everything in, including the dog and went away for the weekend! Its just so lovely, scroll to the bottom for a wee peek at it!

So did anyone catch the HOCHANDA one day special yesterday?? The fab new Crafter's Companion Accordion overlays are out and wowsers are they stunning!!

If you have the bases already then your all set to get making with these. Here's just a couple of the of my creations

This is the circle base with the Cogs and Gears overlay

Another with the Circle base and this time the Cherish Overlay

and lastly the Oval Base and the Elegance Overlay

What do you think??
 My favourite has to be that wee Wedding card, the colours are just fab together and the touch of red just pops right out!!

Remember and check out the Crafter's Companion website for some more Overlays in the range and also you'll find more inspiration on the blog!

Well until next time 
Huggles Mel xx

Ps. Woops almost forgot!! H
Here's just a couple pictures off the new caravan 

Isn't it amazing heeee xxx

Monday, 18 April 2016

Diamond Press xx

Morning all

I do hope this wee post finds you all well?? Hows the weather? 
Its dull and cold here but at least we never got much snow, only a few flurries at the weekend!

Today I wanted to share with you some of my Diamond Press Samples I made. I never had the chance when it was released with being so ill but better late than never as they say

Here is the cute wee machine itself
Diamond Press Purple Die Cutting Machine
The machine is darn cute and perfect for your desktop for cutting al those tiny little die-cuts we all like to use! Plus its great for your sentiments too

Here is just a few of the wee creations I made

As you can see even with the little die-cuts you can make some fab projects!

Check out Crafter's Companion for more information on the wee Diamond Press. There is a great starter bundle plus the machine itself if you don't want any extras

Well until next time
Huggles Mel xx 

PS Don't forget Crafter's Companion has a great SALE on just now
ekkkkk my pennies