Monday, 20 December 2010
20th December Challenge xxx
Sunday, 19 December 2010
19th December Challenge xxx
Firstly thank you for all your kind comments! They totally made my wee day and cheered me right up! I'm still a wee bit "under the weather" but feeling much better than yesterday! It was just the pain than got to me, but didn't want to disappoint with no wee post!!
Anyways, its nearly here hee! Only 6 more sleeps then CHRISTMAS hee! I'm so excited!! Cant wait for my wee hubby to open his wee gifts and then spend the day with our wee family! I cant wait hee! My brother is on his way up as I type!! Fingers crossed the train makes it, the snow is bad and the train is already 2hrs delayed! Cant wait too see my BIG bro hee!!
Anyway, enough of my hyperness! i wanted to share the last of my cards I made! Again I made 3 of each of them and sent to some of my lucky fiends and crafty lil friends too!
Saturday, 18 December 2010
18th December challenge xxx
Friday, 17 December 2010
17th December Challenge xxx
I'm still in Glasgow having a wee fun day with my lovely hubby!
We've been in all the shops, stumped on by lots of angry Christmas shoppers but we just laughed and look at them form our wee smug pedal stool hee!
We went to George Square and seen all the lights and watched people try and ice skate hee. Then we sat in Princes Square having a lovely Hot Chocolate while a wee choir sang away hee! I dragged hubby into the craft shop oh and my fav other shops hee, hint hint wasn't working but he did buy me a gorjuss new hat, scarf and gloves! So spoiled!!
We're just heading to dinner now and will get that train after that! Glad I'm using hubby's fun hee gotta let you know whats going on hee!
Hugs Melly xxx
Ps still no phones boo hoo
Thursday, 16 December 2010
16th December Challenge xxx
Hope your all well? Did you wake up to snow this morning?? We did!! It was really heavy then just stopped! Hubby got to work fine with no problems on the road! Maybe we will be ok tomorrow as well?? Hmm maybe not .....
I'm still not feeling to good, had to have the really strong pain killers again!! But feeling ok tonight! Don't anyone worry tho, I get this alot, just gotta grin and bare it!! I am rather grumpy anyway, been waiting on my new phone for two weeks as know in stock! Then on Monday morning got a text to say "phone on way" but its still sitting with the courier in the 1st depo!! Argah ..... want my iphone please please ...... pretty please!!
Ok enough of my moans ..... for now hee!
I have made 3 of each of these cards below to send to my family!! They just adore Tillie, especially my wee Gran and Granpa and threaten to steal her all the time, so whats more perfect than a "Tillie Card"!!
I couldn't fit all 3 in the light box, but you can see them here in all there sparkleyness hee! I know that not only my family will loves these but our neighbour Ian(Tillie's best bud) will too!!
If there is no snow tomorrow we're hoping to go out, will I'm hoping top go out more to the point! I haven't seen the lights in Glasgow yet and love going for a wee look at George Square then a wee Hot Chocolate in Princes Square mmmmm yummy!
Have a good night everyone and hope your all cosy!
Hugs and kisses
Melly xxx
Sarah Hurley Challenge - Sketch xxx

Wednesday, 15 December 2010
15th December Challenge xxx
My wee apologises if my post doesn't make much sense tonight! I'm typing this not long after taking my pain killers, so still a wee bet dopey!!
Anyway, last night was so much fun!! Thanks ladies, I had a blast! So much laughter from us, a wee group of 7 stuck in the corner but last top leave hee! cant wait till January for our next wee day and then Easter for out next "day out" hee!!
I've not done much today as woke up at 5am in so much pain and never got much sleep after that! I did make 4 wee cards for me to send to our family but I'm saving the pictures till tomorrow! I did do some "day time TV", a no go usually!! Well, don't think Sky counts, but watched some Bones then CSI in between cook shows hee! I adore watching any food shows and getting ideas for nice meals!
So as promised, here is the wee Wedding box I've made for a Wedding in few days!
What you all up to? Getting ready for next week??? All I'm left to do is make up the bed for my bro and everything is ready for Santa to come! OK yeah I still have another few cards to make but I'll get them hopefully done and maybe even posted tomorrow, OK probably more like Friday hee!!
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
14th December Challenge xxx
Hope you all have a fab wee nite!
Hugs and kisses
Melly xxx
Monday, 13 December 2010
Candy Winner and 13th December Challenge xxx
Well its is that time ............ my lil candy winner!!
Not only will they win these goodies

Crafty Cardmakers - First and Last xxx
We have the greatest wee challenge over on Crafty Cardmakers for you all!
"We'd like to see your LATEST OR GREATEST creation so anything you like or a particular favourite AND here's the important bit, we'd also like to see your FIRST or the OLDEST one you have a photo of! I can see you cringing and thinking oooooh nooooo mine's really baaaad! Don't worry, we ALL started somewhere and I hope you can see from the samples that everybody was new once and with a bit of practice you can get better and you'll also see how much you've already got better by digging out your first efforts!"
The Rules:
You can enter up to 3 times but each must contain a picture of one of your first designs and must be different techniques or items e.g. first card, first stamped card, first scrapbook page, first tag etc. They must also be separate posts.
You can enter your latest creations or your favourites previously published alongside your old design. You can enter in as many other challenges as you wish but many challenges do not accept older creations so just be mindful of that.
Please link back to this blog and mention Crafty Cardmakers in your post.
The challenge runs for 4 weeks from 13th Dec and closes at 9am GMT on Monday 10th January
We are very proud to be sponsored by a number of very kind stores for this challenge with lots of winners for this one and the prizes on offer are...
£10 voucher from Joanna Sheen
£10 voucher from The Stampman
$10 voucher for Stitchy Bear Stamps
Pack of 5 promarkers from Letraset
£10 voucher for Crafts & Me
£10 worth of stamps of your choice from Stamping all day
So onto my wee cards ......

Sunday, 12 December 2010
12th December Challenge xxx
And how are you all doing today? Have you had a nice Sunday? I have defo had a great day! No more migraine and a great wee day crafting!! I got another 8 cards made today, bringing me updated with my orders and enough just enough time to make my own!
These wee easels are for my wee Mummy to send to my Grandparents and my step - Grandparents! The other ones are for her friends!
Saturday, 11 December 2010
11th December Challenge xxx
Hope all is well in blogland? How is your wee Saturday been so far?? Have you done anything nice? We've had a wee day in! My head was still wee bit sore so we decided to have a day in the house! I did do a wee bit cleaning and then for the past few hours I've been doing some colouring for my wee cards I've still to finish!
As you can see I've been colouring my wee LOTV images with my lovely Promarkers hee!
Friday, 10 December 2010
10th December Challenge xxx
Well picture the scene ........... people everywhere pushing and banging into each other, getting the bargains off the shelf's, standing in the long long queues, absolutely sweltering inside the shops and just so fed up with the whole thing ..............

............. hee Well that's NOT ME!!
Me and hubby were at the shops for 9am and left at 11! We had everything else we were still to get plus I got an outfit and he picked a gorjuss shirt oh and dinner from M&S hee! Yes, I can Blissfully say I have finished my Christmas shopping and have it all wrapped too! Ok I admit I only had top get vouchers and the sweets today hee so organised I am hee!!
Did you all watch Corrie then?? Omg I was in tears and than hysterics! Was so sad with Claire and Ashley and then poor Peter! But Fiz was amazing hee! How she kept and straight face through all that screaming I'll never know! Oh did anyone notice the nurse when she handed the picture over?? Someone sounded rather twisted!!
It's only a short post tonight, my head is busting and can feel the migraine setting in! But had to say hey to you all and well show how smug I feel hee hee! Oh sorry I mean organised I am hee!!
Have a good night everyone, I'll be back tomorrow with some Creations!
Hugs and Kisses
Melly xxx
Still 3 days to enter my Candy
Thursday, 9 December 2010
9th December Challenge xxx
Early wee post tonight from me as gotta catch up on my Dt commenting and then Corrie Live hee!! Oh and not forgetting Misfits at 10! Think this could the most TV we've watched in a week!
Today I was doing the dreaded housework, cleaning here there and everywhere!! Then it was time to craft YIPPEE!! We even made it to the supermarket today with the thaw that we had today!! I made another few little cards for my family and ones me wee Mummy ordered!
Lili of the Valley, Crafty Creations, Tuesday Throwdown and The Corrosive Challenge
Before sitting down to do my wee post I came into the Living room to find Tillie had not only stole my seat but was enjoying her weeish treat hee!!
thanks for all the comments, love them!!
Hugs and Kisses
Melly xxx