Monday, 11 April 2011

Some fun in the Sugar Bowl xxx

Hi everyone
Oh I've been an awful blogger this past week! I haven't been feeling myself and then having the sun over the weekend, me and hubby took advantage of it!

I hope you all enjoyed the sun too and got to get out in the garden or just enjoy the sun with the family! We sorted the garden out on Friday and got my veg patch all full up for the summer. Then we started my wee all New "green" Greenhoose! We decided to build one this year as after the horrible winter ours never survived! So with all the old windows from hubby's old job, old bits of wood and a wee bit plastic sheeting we have a half built greenhoose!! All Eco and the only thing I bought was the paint!! Just needs one window on the back and the door and its finished! Mel, I'm taking your allotment inspiration but on the ickle size hee!

And then yesterday we went to Loch Lomond! Its was so beautiful, just driving up and stopping for wee picnic at Tarbet Then driving up bit farther to spy some nice camping spots, before heading back via Stirling and a lovely pub for some lunch/dinner!! Perfect wee weekend and Tilllie loved it all!

So on to a wee card I got to squeeze in on Thursday night!Please excuse the picture the image is coloured with purple and so is the flowers but looks pink SORRY!!

I adore this stamp and is my fav Sassy hee!

I would like to enter this into the following Challenges
The Sugar Bowl - Sketch(the image and flowers are purple, just dodgy light)
Craft Us Crazy - Spring/Easter
4 Crazy Chicks - Inspirational Picture

I loved doing the wee ribbon frame after seeing it on a few blogs and knew it would make the card pop! Just wish you could see the card for real, you could see the purple better! Maybe the pinkish paper in the back doesn't help hmmmm note to self "Stick with the right Colours"!

Well off to check what you guys have been up to this past week!
Hugs Melly xxx


  1. ooh i love the ribbon frame.. and the colours in your card are just gorgeous
    Lisa x

  2. Gorgeous card Mel and such pretty colours. Sounds like you had a fab weekend to!

  3. what a gorgeous card
    hugs linda

  4. That frame is fab! I've been trying to photograph my green and purple creation, my purple flowers look brown lol *Hugs* Sarah xx

  5. Hi Melly. Hope your are feeling better. Seems like you had a great weekend too. Beautiful card. Love this image and the ribbon frame is gorgeous, nice colours and layout. Take Care. Donna

  6. Beautiful card Mel, love the pretty paper and gorgeous ribbon ring. Hope you had a lovely weekend.

    Donna x

  7. Ohhh beautiful card Melly, and I LOVE that fab frame. Sounds like your weekend was as nice as ours ... though we've had every season today - sun, rain, hail and a bitter cold wind earlier, though its gorgeous now.

  8. Great card Melly. Love the colour combo. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. We just came back from Crieff today and it was lovely there on Saturday and Sunday.

    Kat xx

  9. hey chick..finally have a little time to catch up with this hon the ribbon frame is fabulous!!

    Debs x

  10. Cute card! I like your ribbon frame :) Thanks for playing with us at 4 Crafty Chicks this week.

  11. Incredibly beautiful...just stunning..the colours are beautiful,and all the details...I just love it.

  12. This is so cute! nice image and color combo. Thanks for playing with us at 2SC this week, good luchk!
    Zulma DT

  13. Hi Mel.Do hope you are feeling alot better hun.Love your beautiful card.xx

  14. Ooooh, gorgeous card! Love the colours and the ribbon frame is beautiful!

    My greenhouse didn't survive the winter either so I've had to get a new cover (it's only one of those plastic thingies). Best of luck getting the green stuff growing :-)

    Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  15. lovely card! fantastic image and the ribbon wrapped frame is divine! thanks for playing along with us at the Shoe!

  16. Wow, what a gorgeous card. Love the bright colours and the flowers you've used.

    Thanks so much for playing with us at The Sugar Bowl.

    Hugs, Kiki


Hugs and kisses for you all, thanks for the comment xxx