Monday, 25 April 2016

Accordion Cards xx

Morning lovelies

Hope you had a great weekend, we sure did!!

We picked up our spanking brand new caravan on Thursday and then threw everything in, including the dog and went away for the weekend! Its just so lovely, scroll to the bottom for a wee peek at it!

So did anyone catch the HOCHANDA one day special yesterday?? The fab new Crafter's Companion Accordion overlays are out and wowsers are they stunning!!

If you have the bases already then your all set to get making with these. Here's just a couple of the of my creations

This is the circle base with the Cogs and Gears overlay

Another with the Circle base and this time the Cherish Overlay

and lastly the Oval Base and the Elegance Overlay

What do you think??
 My favourite has to be that wee Wedding card, the colours are just fab together and the touch of red just pops right out!!

Remember and check out the Crafter's Companion website for some more Overlays in the range and also you'll find more inspiration on the blog!

Well until next time 
Huggles Mel xx

Ps. Woops almost forgot!! H
Here's just a couple pictures off the new caravan 

Isn't it amazing heeee xxx

1 comment:

  1. What amazing cards, so much work, but certainly worth it.

    Brilliant caravan and awning,


Hugs and kisses for you all, thanks for the comment xxx