Sunday, 17 October 2010

Just had to share xxx

Evening everyone
I just had to share some wee pics with you!
My lovely hubby treated me today to this FAB Gorjuss Girl bag! Isn't it just gorjuss, I adored the wee image on it and thought it was so me hee! We were at the Biggar Little Festival having a look at the craft stalls, nothing much to report, and we went to my fave shop Cloud Nine ............ and there is was, in the back looking all fab and take me homeish hee!

A wee close up of the design

The back of the bag with a fab wee quote

Hubby says it suits me to a tee, especially the quote! Being such a bookworm since I was young it made me smile!
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment!
Hugs and kisses

Now .............. do you think I could find a purse to match hee



  1. Awww isn't your DH a sweetie! Its a gorgeous bag! (...have you got the matching stamp yet?)LOL

  2. I'm very envious Melly, it's gorjuss and would be perfect for me too!!!
    Jenni x

  3. Wow Mel this is gorgeous!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  4. Ooh it's FABULOUS! Lucky you :o) Lisa x

  5. I'm so jealous Melly!! I just love your bag. There's a shop in Cullen that sell some Gorjuss items. I have a bookmark and a keyring but I've never seen a bag before. I have a print that needs framed that I bought from Suzanne's webshop.

    Kat xx

  6. Love, love, love the bag! I have a real thing for bags (show me a woman that doesn't!) and this one is FABULOUS :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  7. Melly - thats gorguss!!! And yes - could join you with the bookworm label!


  8. Oh it's deffo you hunni.It really is GORJUSS.Your Husband is soooo lovely to you.Huggles to


Hugs and kisses for you all, thanks for the comment xxx