Friday, 18 February 2011

Some cake and an update xxxx

Morning everyone
Yip its me this early in the morning hee! All my housework is done, ironing and another wash in so thought I was allowed some time to blog before crafting hee!

Before I share a wee card with you i made the other night I just have to share some so so SUPER EXCITING news!!
The lovely people at Funky Kits are bringing out a new range of Gorjuss Girls!! Yes You did read that, 6 new Gorjuss Girl stamps!! You can pre-order them but they arent in store till the end of March!! I've already pre-ordered as an early birthday present to myself hee!!

Don't they look yummy!!
I cant wait as it has one of my fave images, the wee "I found my Family in a Book"!! I just love it hee!!

Okay enough of the good news and excitement!! here's the wee card I made the other night, using my wee LOTV image that the lovely Susie got me for my Christmas!!

How cute is she hee??

I would like to enter this into the following Challenges
Lili of the Valley - Fave Colours (green and red)
Samuel Taylor Challenge - Copics/Promarkers gal
Bunny Zoe - Spring ... Flowers everywhere
Stamptacular Sunday - "lovin form the oven"

Before I go a wee update on the van! Might take a while! BE WARNED!

Yes we still don't have it, hopefully later today tho!!
After 4 weeks of them working, that should be not working, on the van we are hopefully getting it back today all fixed with a brand new engine!! Yeah you did read that right!! The stupid service manger(who was so nice to begin with) decided that the only way to get the broken part out was to hit it with hammers! But that didn't work(will why the hell would you even dare use a hammer on a engine??) so next he decided to use a flame torch thingy, heating up the injector then cooling it down hoping it would loosen! OMG how stupid can people be, flame = heat = melting = damage to the rest of the engine!!

So after 2 and half weeks, maybe phone calls and angry Vauxhall decided it was time to get a new engine, think it could be to do with all the bloody damage!! So the engine arrive last Monday and was left hanging on the pulley bits until Tuesday this week! After hubby going over nearly every day and getting no where with the garage and the Vauxhall just saying "yeah yeah we'll sort it" the service Manger told hubby he would fix it when he decided!! Couldn't believe it!!

So me being me, was so angry and upset, our van is not only our lively hood its our wee home from home hee!! Then on Tuesday Vauxhall phoned and got me .......... so you can imagine the conversation!! No voices were raised but I was told lots of lies, not from vauxhall themselves just what the garage had told them! So I put the lovely(yes she really was nice and so helpful even with me being a pain) lady straight, emailed her all the pics of our poor van and told her what the service manager had said! She was off the phone promising to phone back later that day!

Within half an hour I was called back! the van was being worked on and would hopefully be finshed Friday(today) and the service manager has all of a sudden taken ill and went home for the day!! Hee thank you lovely Vauxhall lady(forgot her name)!!
So after that, I know you'll be exhausted and board so I'll leave it at that and keep my fingers crossed I'll have my wee van back soon! Oh I mean hubby's van hee!!

Hugs Melly xxx

Ps Remember I've got yummy candy for you all and if you're interested in my Dt call check our here xxxx
Stamp -
Rosie with Cake
coloured with promarkers
Papers - Basic Grey
Ribbon - Papermaina
everything else from stash


  1. Hi Melly. Gorgeous card. Love the papers and colours and the LOTV image is beautifully coloured. Sounds like you are having as a bad a time as we are. Hope you get your van back and aren't you lucky living across from the garage and can see what is going on. Bet the garage didn't know they were under survelliance. Hope they at least gave hubby a courtesy van for work. Take Care. Have a good weekend. Donna

  2. Fingers crossed it all finally works out. It amazes me how stupid some people can be and how unhelpful people can be, even when it's their job/livlihood/fault!! (Had a few bad experiences ourselves lately, hence the mini rant!!!!)

    Glad you've had a chance to play with Rosie AND pre-ordered the Gorjuss girls. Must admit they're looking very inviting.......and I DO have some Christmas money to spend......Mmmm, think I might try to do some online browsing later! BAD Melly, tempting me to spend money on MORE craft goodies!! Lol!

    Take care, hun and have a FABBY weekend. Susie x

  3. This is gorgeous I love this image and the colours you have used are lush!


  4. Gorgeous card - love the colours! The ribbon is really pretty :-)

    I hope you finally get the van back today... It sounds like you've had an absolute nightmare with it! I can't believe the damage they did!

    Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  5. Hi Mel sorry to hear you have had so much trouble with your van. Got my fingers crossed you get it back in time for the weekend so you and hubby can have a wee spin.

    What you like tempting us with all that sugar.... you are a very naughty girl lol Of course it would be rude not to have a look hee hee

    enjoy your weekend

    clare x

  6. oh what a cutie .. love the colours .. so striking.
    Lisa ;)

  7. Hi Melly, more yummy cake. Love that image. Great colours too.

    Your van trouble seems to have turned into a right fiasco! Is that the garage at the top of St. Leonard St.? Used to be Ross's when we were in Lanarkshire. My son works in Arnold Clark Ford in Aberdeen in servicing. He deals with customers and if anyone there treated customers like that they'd be out on their ear. Not exactly good customer service is it? Must be obvious that Frazer needs the van for his work, he does have his name on it after all!

    Kat xx

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I really hope you get the van back ok soon! I've got to say, every time I've had a problem with a firm, it's always the LADY I talk to who actually gets things done!

    Now, that is a beautiful card. I love your papers and colours - so pretty!

    luv, Mags x

  10. Beautiful card...Love the image and papers...Great take on my sketch... Sorry to hear about your troubles hope everything is sorted now...Thank you for joining us at A Gem of a Challenge..
    Mandy x

  11. Fab happy card Melly, your mix of papers is gorgeous!
    Sorry to hear about your crappy garage manager ... pathetic isn't it, when people's livelihoods are depending on their transport and they just don't seem to give a damn!

  12. Oh hun I've just been having a catch up, what a flipping nightmare you've had with the van, idiots lol.
    Your card is absolutely gorgeous Melly, super sweet.
    You are so naughty showing me those stamps, I am NOT going to pop over I've put myself of a stamp spending restriction as I've so many yet to be inked, but I want them boo hoo...... bad Melly lol
    hugs Mandy xx

  13. so happy to hear you now have the van back and this card is amazing-i'm absolutely in love with it :)


  14. Oh my goodness, another masterpiece! Love all your work. Hugs Jánine

  15. Really hope you have some sort of discount for all the hassle and stress.Good job i wasn't up there lol,that manager would not know what hit him.I am very placid but once i blow boy do i blow hee hee.Hugs xxxxxx

  16. LOL,was so annoyed forgot to comment on yer fab card hun.Absolutely the colour combo.xxxxx


Hugs and kisses for you all, thanks for the comment xxx