Sunday, 7 January 2018

Happy New Year xx

Evening all

I do hope this finds you all well?
Its been a while since by last post and I've been soooooo busy

Not only have I been busy with work and craft life but me and Hubby have been none stop! We thought Christmas would be a nice relaxing time for us just to chill and enjoy some time together but sadly NO!!
I caught that horrible Flu that is doing its rounds a few days before Christmas and just got worse! Ill on Christmas Day and just wanting to sleep wasn't very nice and then poor hubby caught it! He spent New Year ill and only yesterday did we both start to feel almost normal again!

Before we got ill, we did have some fun!
The best part of Christmas was going and cutting down our own tree!! Yeah you read that right, we CUT DOWN our own tree! Ok so I attempted it but hubby had to take over, its hard work you know and I'm small lol! Then once the tree was home and ready to decorate it became a HARRY POTTER tree woohoo

We did enjoy our New Year at the Bonfire (even ill) with our family including my brother and his fiancĂ© this year! But we all were home for 2am tucked up in bed, all exhausted heeehehehe

I did manage to try my hand at Fluid Acrylic Pour with help from Jamielee. Lots of messy fun and lots of laughing trying to get the mixture right and the colours to look the way we wanted

I also managed to crochet a little, but only the past few days! Its the first time I had the energy to just sit and enjoy my wee Christmas break! Here's my wee Bird and Dragon

The fab Creative Stamping Magazine is out now

I was lucky enough to get to create some crafty makes with them including a Desk Caddy, a Notebook and Desk Top Easel Calendar! The stamps are perfect for all ages and the magazine is full of great inspiration to get you started

Well its back to work for Hubby and me tomorrow but I'm looking forward to it (yeah shock horror)! I want to get my teeth into some fun crafty Challenges and create something a little different! But I have vowed that I will take more time for my Blog this year and find more time to create just or me!

Happy New Year and hope its full of FUN, LAUGHTER and GOOD HEALTH

Mel xxx

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you. Sorry to read you were both during the holidays, hope you are feeling much better. So glad you were able to join in the New Year celebrations. Marlene


Hugs and kisses for you all, thanks for the comment xxx