Monday, 26 July 2010

Craft Fayre xxx

***Beware this post could be long!***

Hi everyone

So everything is almost back to normal, nearly! I guess I'm only so so in the normal sense hee! Not as tired as i was yesterday although voice was almost gone last night seems fine today! The craft fayre went brilliantly only came home with 2 boxes from 30 and some cards and loads of orders hee!

Here is some of the pictures of my wee stand below

Hubby made all my fab display units, including the card stand! Wanted it to look like a picture frame and hubby is so clever hee! I made the wee jewellery "tree" all by myself with hubby's help. He cut the block and I stock it all together. Believe it or not the covers on my table are duvet sheets hee!

Here's some of the boxes close up. and below my wee stand on the corner like a wee step!

The baby boxes were the 1st to the go! Then all the Wedding ones but with it being "Wedding" and "Baby" season its not surprising!! hee

This is my wee "Temping Tree"
OK, so the name came from Big Brother but I think it suited it really well! Everyone loved the sweetie jewels especially the kids!!

And just a wee close up of some of the bits! the strawberries and cupcakes were the most popular! But my fave well apart from the strawberries was the chocolate cake, yum yum hee!
So hopefully I'll get time to get the craft room back to normal,foam back snow every where hee! catch up on here and relax! Never been so exhausted in one week sense like last year hee!
Oh I did end up buying some lovely goodies myself! I got some of the best smelling candles ever and some knitted peas in a pod for only 60p! The best bargain ever, peas for 60p hee!
Okay so gotta catch up with the ironing and maybe mite even change the curtains in the living room ........... well we'll see hee! Take care everyone

Oh I nearly forgot
Drum Roll
I made DT with Creative Card Crew

WOO HOO xxxx


  1. Congratulations on making the DT Mel and how fun that you had a successful craft fair! All of your boxes are gorgeous - I can see how easily they would be snatched up so quickly! Your sweet jewelry is definitely a taker; wish I lived closer because I'd be one shopping at your table! TFS!

  2. Hi Melly,

    Your stall looked fabulous and so glad everything went so well - you will be busy. DT too - well done hun.

    Hugs Ali x

  3. Hi Melly, your stand at the craft fayre looks very impressive. No wonder you sold nearly everything!

    Congrats on the new DT too. I haven't joined in at CCC for ages. Haven't been very good at joining in anywhere really. Being on DTs does take up your time....better if I didn't have to work lol!

    Kat xx

  4. Congrats on your DT slot and your stall looked fabuloso


  5. Your stand looks absolutely fantastic and I'm so pleased that most of your good work sold. The Tempting Tree is a fab creation and Hubby's picture frame fro your cards looks fab! Well done, flower! Susie x

  6. Wow wow wow - this all looks stunning! No wonder you did so well - hmmmmm - might just have to have a play with the boxes - yours have inspired me!


  7. Well done on your new DT position honey.

    Your craft stand by the way looks amazing. Congrats to Frazer for making it look so good, and you to filling it so beautifully.

    Lin xx

  8. WOW melly!!..look at all those fabulous boxes....i still havnt tried but im off next week and the kids are away with the its top of my i will post my feeble efforts!!! stall looks fantastic hon and im not surprised you did so well coz your work is just A-MAZ-ING :-)....Debs x

  9. Hi Melly
    Glad you did well. I stumbled on your fab blog last week and think I've just about read every post now.
    Your work is fabulous, especially those wedding boxes:) Truly wee works of art,
    Anne x

  10. Congratulations Mel. You deserve everything that is coming. Your work is Fantastic


  11. Oh your craft table looks very eyecatching, not surprised you got loads of customers to buy your goodies (did hubby make your little tree?)
    And congrats on making the DT ... you'll soon be working nights now to keep up with them all LOL!

  12. LOVE your boxes, Melly. They're fab. Didn't you go to a lot of trouble for your craft fayre? No wonder you did well - it really does make a big difference. Presentation is so important - something we lacked, due to lack of time. I'm pleased you did well but I'm not surprised... you deserve it.


Hugs and kisses for you all, thanks for the comment xxx